Here are the varieties that have been ordered for the 2024 garden season.
Until the plants arrive this list may be subject to change and shortages.
Please note that we do most of our ordering in the fall for the next season, so special orders are best done then if there's something specific you're looking for we might top up mid-season.
these lists are only what was ordered and not the current available stock
Send orders or requests to: digorders@gmail.com
Chamaecyparis - False Cypress
Obtusa Fernspray Gold #3 Hinoki
Obtusa Gracilis #1 Hinoki
Obtusa Nana #1 Hinoki
Pisifera Sungold #2
Abies Balsamea Nana #2
Chamaecyparis obtusa Night Light™ Conschlecht #2
Junipers - chinensis
Gold Coast #2
Old Gold #2
Pfitzeriana Aurea (Gold Tip Juniper) #2
Sea Green #1
Juniperus - Upright
Scopulorum Blue Arrow #2
Scopulorum Wichita Blue #5
Virginian Blue Arrow #5
Juniperus - Juniper Low
Squamata Blue Star #1
Squamata Blue Star #2
Horizontalis Blue Chip #1
Horizontalis Blue Horizon #1
Horizontalis Wiltonii #1
Horizontalis Wiltonii #2
Conferta Blue Pacific #1
Picea - Spruce
Abies Nidiformis #2 Bird's Nest Spruce
Glauca Albertina Conica #2 Dwarf AB Spruce
Glauca Albertina Conica #7 Dwarf AB Spruce
Glauca Albertina Conica #3 Dwarf AB Spruce
Glauca Albertina Globe #2 White Spruce
Glauca Daisy White #2 White spruce
NEW Glauca North Pole #3 White spruce
NEW Glauca Spruce it Up #2 White spruce
Gungens Baby Blue #3 Blue Spruce
Pinus - Pines -
Mughus #2
Pumillo dwarf #2
Sciadopytis Verticullata #3 Umbrella Pine
Taxus- Yews
Hicksii (3.5-4.5') #3
Thuja - Cedars
Thuja occidentalis - Northern White (showy/not deer resistant)
DeGroot's Spire (4-5FT) #5
NEW Fire Chief #2
Highlight Janed Gold #5 *the one I post from my yard
Little Giant #5
Little Skybound #2
NEW Private Jet #2
Smaragd (5-6FT) #5
NEW Sunny Smaragd #3
NEW Sunny Smaragd #5
NEW Tiny Tim #2
Thuja Plicata - Western Red Cedar DEER RESISTANT
Excelsea #5
Excelsea (5-6 FT) #5
Excelsea (8-9FT) #15
Green Giant #5
Northern Spire #7