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Here are the varieties that have been ordered for the 2024 garden season.

Until the plants arrive this list may be subject to change and shortages.


Please note that we do most of our ordering in the fall for the next season, so special orders are best done then if there's something specific you're looking for. We do continuous perennial orders throughout the season. 

 These lists are only what was ordered and not the current available stock


Send orders or requests to:  store at 250-359-5926



more Azaleas in broadleaf evergreens )


Garden Rainbow  #2

Mollolla red  #2

Klondyke  #2

Arneson Gem #2

Weston's Innocence #2



Berberis - Barberry


Cherry Bomb® Barberry  8"

Concorde Barberry  #1

Concorde Barberry  8"

Emerald Carousel®  Barberry  8"

Rose Glow Barberry  #2

Rose Glow Barberry  #3

Rose Glow Barberry  8"

Royal Burgundy Barberry  #3

Royal Burgundy Barberry  #2

Royal Burgundy® Barberry  8"

Buddleia - Butterfly Bush


Davidii Buzz Hot Raspberry  #2

Davidii Buzz Hot Raspberry  #1

Davidii Globosa  #2

Davidii Humdinger Lavendar Cupcake  #2

Davidii Humdinger Magenta Munchkin  #2

Davidii Lochinch  #1

Davidii Monarch Dark Dynasty  #2

Davidii Monarch Prince Charming  #2

Davidii Pink Beauty  #2

Humdinger® Lavender Cupcake  #1

Hybrid Chrysalis Cranberry   #1

Hybrid Grand Cascade  #2

Monarch® Dark Dynasty  #1

Birthday Cake  #2

Blueberry Pie  #2


Callicarpa- Beauty Berry


Pearl Jam  #2


Caryopteris - Bluebeard


First Editions Sapphire  #2

Sunshine Blue  #2


Chaenomeles - Flowering Quince


Orange Beauty  #1




Ruby Spice  #2

Sugartina Crystalline  #2


Cornus - Dogwood  


Alba Gouchaltii (variegated)  #2

Cornus Alba Elegantissimma


Corylus - Ornamental Hazelnut


Red Majestic (corkscrew)  #5


Cotinus - Smokebush


Ancot  #2

Dusky Maiden  #2

Velveteeny  #3

Winecraft Black™ (PW)  8"

Winecraft Gold™ (PW)  8"

Royal Purple  #3

Grace  #5




Autumn Inferno

Peking Hedge


Cotoneaster- Bearberry


Dammeri  #1

Dammeri  10cm

Coral Beauty  #1

Cheney (Varigated Horizontal)  #1


Diervilla - Bush Honeysuckle


Rivularis Honeybee  #2

Sesselifolia Firefly  #2


Deutzia - Japanese Snowflower


Strawberry Fields  #2 

Yuki Cherry Blossom  #2

Yuki Snowflake  #2


Euonymous- Burning Bush


Alata Compacta  #2

Fire Ball  #




 Mini Gold  #2

Show Off Starlet  #2

Show Off  #2


Hibiscus Syriacus - Rose of Sharon



Blushing Bride  #2 

Duc de Brabant  #2 

Lady Stanley  #2 

Oiseau Bleu  #2 

Pink Giant  #3 

Purple Pillar  #2 

Red Heart  #3 

Red Pillar  #2

Totus Albus  #2 


Hibiscus - Rose Mallow


Airbrush Effects  #2 

Angel Eyes  #2 

Blackberry Merlot  #2 

Dark Mystery  #2

Dark Mystery  #1

Mars Madness  #1

Midnight Marvel  #1

Summer Carnival  #2 

Summer in Paradise  #1


Hydrangea Petiolaris - Climbing Hydrangea


anomala Subsp. Petiolaris  #2

Hydrangea arborescens  - Smooth Hydrangea


Candybelle Bubblegum  #2


 Hydrangea Macrophylla - Bigleaf Mopheads (afternoon shade)

All Summer Beauty  #2

Bloomables Cherry Explosion  #2

Endless Summer Pop Star  #2

Frill Ride  #2

Grin and Tonic  #2

Let's Dance Sky View  #2

Nikko Blue  #2

Onyx Peacock  #2

Macrophylla x Paniculata WOWTime  #2

Hydrangea Paniculata - Panicle (larger and sun)


Dragon Baby  #2

Early Evolution  #2

Fire Light Tidbit  #2

Graffiti  #2

Little Hottie  #2

Little Lime Punch  #2

Puffer Fish  #2

SkyFall  #2

Tardiva Std 4' tall topiary  #3

Wim's Red  #2


​Hydrangea Quercifolia


Snow Queen  #2

Toy Soldier  #2


​Hydrangea - Mountain Hydrangea


Tuff Stuff Ah-Ha  #2


Itea - Sweetspire


Fizzy Minni  #2


Ligustrum - Privet


Straight Talk  #2 (hedging)


Kolkwitzia - Beauty Bush


Jolene  #2


Philadelphus - Mock Orange


Lemoinei Manteau D'Hermine  #1


Physocarpus  - Ninebark


Alouette  #2

Amber Jubilee  #3

Monlo  #2

Panther  #2

Summer Wine Black  #2

Sweet Cherry Tea  #2


Potentilla - Cinquefoil


Gold Carpet  #1

Mango Tango  #1

Primrose Beauty  #1

Princess  #1


Prunus - Flowering Almond


Tenella Ornamental  #2 (Avoid eating fruits)


Prunus - Purple Leaf Sand Cherry


Prunus X Cistena  #3


Rhus- Sumac


Lacette fragrant  #2

Tiger Eyes (Staghorn)  #2


Salix - Shrub Willows


Babylonica Weeping Willow  #7 Babylon 

Candida Iceberg Alley  #2 Sageleaf

Caprea Pendula Std.  #5 Weeping Pussy Willow Topiary

Gracilistyla Mount Aso  #5 Japanese Pink Pussy Willow

Golden Curls  #2 Weeping

Scarlet Curls  #2 Weeping

Flamingo  #2 

Hakuro Nishiki  #1 Japanese Dappled 

Hakuro Nishiki  #5 Japanese Dappled 

Hakuro Nishiki Std.  #5 Japanese Dappled Topiary


Sambucus  - Black Elder ornamental


Black Lace  #3

Eva  #2

Sorbaria- False Spirea


Matcha Ball  8"


Spiraea- Spirea


Glow Girl  #2 Birchleaf 

Limemound  #2

Magic Carpet  #2

Plena  #1 Bridal Wreath Spirea

Bumalda Gold Flame  #2

Double Play Doozie PW  #2

Little Princess  #2


Symphoricarpos - Coral Berry


Proud Berry™ (PW)  8"


Syringa - Lilac


Palibin Std.  #5 Korean Dwarf Lilac Topiary

Pearl Potion  #2 Korean Dwarf Lilac

Miss Kim  #3 Lilac

Reticulata Ivory Silk  #7 Lilac tree

Reticulata Snowdance™  #7 Lilac tree

Belle de Nancy  #5 Common Lilac / Franch Hybrid

California Rose  #3 Common Lilac / Franch Hybrid

Charles Joly  #7 French Hybrid

Sarah Sands  #7 Common Lilac / Franch Hybrid

Wonderblue  #7 Common Lilac / Franch Hybrid

Virtual Violet™  #2




Moonlit Lace  #2

Brandy Wine  #2




Alexandra  #2

Date Night Electric Love  #2

Date Night Stunner  #2

Florida Tango  #2

Prism Magic Carpet  #2

Midnight Wine  #2

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