TREES 2024
Here are the varieties that have been ordered for the 2024 garden season.
Until the plants arrive this list may be subject to change and shortages.
Please note that we do most of our ordering in the fall for the next season, so special orders are best done then.
As Spring approaches you might want to research the plants that we chose to stock.
Click on the Underlined name which will direct you to a link for information
These lists are only what was ordered and not the current available stock.
Please call the store at 250-359-5926 to verify
Send requests to:
Acer (Maples)​
Campestre Carnival Hedge Maple tree #10
Freemanii Armstrong Freeman #7
Freemanii Autumn Blaze® Freeman #10
Freemanii Autumn Blaze® Freeman #7
Freemanii Matador™ Freeman #7
Acer freemanii Sienna Glen #7
Ginnala Ruby Slippers Amur #5
Acer ginnala Ruby Slippers #10
Rubrum Red Rocket #5
Rubrum Red Sunset #15
Tataricum Hot Wings® Tartan #7
Acer Palmatum - Japanese Maples
Atropurpureum #2
Bloodgood #5
Bloodgood #3
Bloodgood #7
Dissectum #5
Firecracker Laceleaf #5
Red Dragon Laceleaf #3
Seiryu Laceleaf #5
Waterfall Laceleaf #3
Emperor One #3
Fire Glow #3
Garnet #5
Katsura #5
Orange Dream #5
Orangeola Laceleaf #3
Shin-Deshojo Laceleaf #3
Suminagashi #5
Acer Shirasawanum Moonrise #3
Acer x Morton UW Morning Starburst #3
Saccharum - Sugar Maples
Saccharum Fall Fiesta® #7
Saccharum Inferno® #7
Aesculus - Buckeye
Aesculus x Prairie Torch™ #5
Caragana - Weeping Siberian Pea Tree
Arborescens Pendula #5 (Zone 2, 10-15'T x 8-12'W, great in planters)
Arborescens Pendula #7 (Zone 2, 10-15'T x 8-12'W, works in planters)
Carpinus - Blue Beech (Hornbeam)
Caroliniana Blue Beech #5 (Zone 3, 23'Tx 23'W)
Speciosa Northern #5 (Zone 3, 43'T x 26'W)
Cornus - Dogwoods
Florida Cherokee Brave #5
Florida Rubra 1.5M Ball&Burlap
Venus 1.5M Ball&Burlap
Venus 1.75M Ball&Burlap
Kousa Satomi #5
Kousa Snow Tower #5
Kousa x Rosy Teacups #5
Corylus - Corkscrew Hazelnut (ornamental)
Avellana Red Magestic #5
Chionanthus - Fringe tree
Virginicus #5 (Zone 3, 20'T, bushy from base)
Crataegus - Hawthorn
Laevigata Crimson Cloud #5
Laevigata Paul's Scarlet #5
Mordenensis Snowbird #7
Mordenensis Toba #5
Gleditsia- Honeylocust
Northern Acclaim® #7
Sunburst® #7
Hamamelis - Witch Hazel
Rubin #3 (Zone 5, 9'-12'T x 9'-12'W)
Larix - Larch
Weeping Pendula #5 (Zone 3, 10-12'T x 8'-10'W)
Liriodendron- Tulip Tree
Tulipifera #10 (Zone 4, 60-80'T x 30-40'W)
Acuminata x denudata Elizabeth 1.0M B&B
Galaxy #5
Galaxy #10
Sunsation #5
Kosar Susan #2
Kosar Susan #5
Liliflora x stellata Betty #2
Soulangeana 1.0M B&B (saucer)
Soulangeana Alexandrina #2 (saucer)
Soulangeana Susan #2 (saucer)
Stellata Centennial Blush #2 (star)
Malus - Crabapples
Royal Raindrops #10 (Zone 4, 20'T x 13'-16'W)
Dark Knight #05
Gladiator #05
Royal Beauty #05
Thunderchild #07
Parrotia - Persian Ironwood
Persica Vanessa #10
Populus - Trembling Aspen
Tremulous Erecta #5
Tremuloides #5
Prunus- Flowering Cherry/Almond
Padus Commutata #10 MayDay Cherry tree
Padus Sweetheart #5 MayDay Cherry tree
Triloba Multiplex #5 Flowering Almond Topiary
Maackii Ming #5 Manchurian Cherry tree
Maackii Ming #10 Manchurian Cherry tree
Prunus - Portuguese Laruel
Lusitanica 4' Std #5 (topiary needs to be protected for winter, zone 6-7)
Quercus - Oaks
Coccinea #7 Scarlet Oak
Ellipsoidalis Majestic Skies™ #5 Northern Pin Oak
Ellipsoidalis Shooting Star™ #5 Northern Pin Oak
Crimson Spire Crimschmidt #7 columnar
Bimundorum Crimschmidt #5 columnar
Jackiana Admiration® #7
Robinia - Black Locust
Pseudoacacia 'Purple Robe' #10
Salix (Willows)
Babylon #7
Caprea Pendula Std #5 Weeping Pussy Willow Topiary
Golden Curls #2
Scarlet Curls (Corkscrew) #2
Northern Fountain (Weeping)
Hakura Nishiki #5 (Topiary)
Sorbus - Mountain Ash
Aucuparia Black Hawk #7
Aucuparia Fastigiata #5
Decora #5 (showy)
Syringa- Lilac Tree
Meyerii Palibin Std #5 Korean Dwarf Lilac Topiary
Reticulata Ivory Silk #7
Reticulata Snowdance™ #7